Know the basics before you buy John Richmond Spring|Summer 2016 collection Make sure your blazer fits you properly How to know if it is too loose: The shoulders extend past your natural shoulder. The cuff of your blazer extends past your wrist. If it’s too tight: It forms an X shape when you button it up. Rock it according to your skin tone If you're light-skinned stick to dark colour blazers. If you're dark skinned stick too light colour blazers such as white. Blazer essentials Every guy should own a navy blazer, neutral colour blazer, something colourful like a mint green blazer as well as a check blazer. At the office Neutral colours create a super-smart look. Go for black and grey. Keep your shirt plain, avoid fancy prints. Make sure the pants you are wearing is well-tailored and not too tight. Tie the buttons of your blazer for an extra touch of sophistication. Do rock a well-groomed tie. Wearing a cardigan underneath will not only keep you warm but is...
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